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June 17, 2009, Wednesday 8:00pm (revised date) ANNUAL MEETING +
CELEBRATION - program First our annual meeting with recognition awards and election of the new Board of Directors.
Following this short meeting will be a celebration as GMSMA transforms into the future.
There is no door fee this evening.
June 20, 2009, Saturday 6:00 - 8:00pm at Splash LEATHER PRIDE NIGHT XXVI + - special event Leather Pride Night (LPN) is an annual charity auction that raises money for NY/NJ area organizations. Over the years, LPN has donated over $300,000 to charities worldwide. Leather Pride Night is sponsored by eight NYC S/m leather/fetish organizations: GMSMA, Iron Guard BC, Lesbian Sex Mafia, MAsT Metro NY, MetroBears NY, New York boys of Leather, Pariah's MC, The Eulenspiegel Society (TES), and many committed individuals.
June 21, 2009, Sunday 2:00-8:00pm FOLSOM STREET EAST - special event
New York's only S/M Leather/Fetish block party: the largest outdoor event of its kind on the East Coast. The success of FSE has enabled GMSMA to donate and support organizations like: The LGBT Community Center, the NYC Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, God's Love We Deliver, and Rivington House.
This year's beneficiaries are the New York City Gay & Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center, and GMSMA.
For more details click here
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Something fun and social.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 8:00pm
Also mark your calender for
Leather Pride Weekend 2009 Embracing Leather Pride, Fetish, and Community
LEATHER PRIDE NIGHT 26 Saturday, June 20, 2009
from 6PM to 10PM
at Splash, 50 W. 17th Street
Click here for more information.
New York's Premier
Leather-SM-Fetish Block Party
Sunday June 21, 2009
(28th Street between 10th & 11th Avenues)
Click here for more information.
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The best ways to meet like-minded men is by coming to GMSMA's programs, workshops and events and by sharing your talents for a few hours a month: door greeters, mailings, graphic design, marketing, fund-raising, event programming, hospitality, ... new ideas welcome.
Get involved!
For over 25 years GMSMA has provided educational programs, activism and outreach to the leather community. Our all-volunteer men's organization helps bring safe, sane and consensual S/M awareness and understanding to members and non-members alike. You can contribute your talents to help make GMSMA's activities even more exciting.
Areas of activity include: Hospitality, Education, Mailings, Graphic Design, Programs, Special Events Planning, Leatherfest and Folsom Street East.
To get involved, check the areas on the MEMBERSHIP FORM that interest you most. Send the form to GMSMA via snail mail, and the information will be forwarded to our volunteer coordinators. Click here to read more about how to GET INVOLVED with the success of GMSMA's vast offerings.
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Be a part of New York Leather History.
GMSMA is one of the longest operating
Leather organizations on the East coast. As an all-volunteer organization we welcome your assistance, involvement and leadership.
Do you have some talent for organization?
Would you like to see some specific education topics?
Do you have a specific interest that youd like your organization, GMSMA, to undertake?
Would you like to develop community outreach or help with creating our newsletter NewsLink?

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