Playing With Fire
From GMSMA News, Vol. 2 No. 2, March 1984

Chris always dug getting his tits, cock, and balls waxed. He thrilled at the fleeting sting that gripped his attention as each drop of molten candle wax struck. He especially loved it when his buddy Ike first blindfolded him, bound him spread-eagle to four screw eyes sunk into the floor, fluffed his tits with suction cups, and rubbed his throbbing nipples and genitals with sandpaper. Then the wax. Chris could never tell where or when it would strike--or where it would dribble after it landed on his skin. If he twisted aside to avoid it, he only exposed a fresh, vulnerable area. When the build-up of cooled, hardened wax provided too much insulation, Ike would roughly scrape it out of his victim's crotch and chest hair with a large-toothed comb--and then start all over again.

This type of play with hot wax is something most of us have experimented with. It is a very common type of thermal torture in S/M. But the use of heat in S/M includes a wide variety of techniques, from simple hot wax all the way up to branding--a very advanced scene best reserved for highly committed bottoms (slaves, usually) and technically expert tops.

It is possible to enjoy the stimulating effects of heat scenes with relative safety if you understand something about burns and how to prevent or treat them. Least severe are first-degree burns, which cause the skin to become reddened and painful to the touch but do not create blisters. This type of injury is seen every summer in the form of sunburn. Heat scenes that may result in unintentional first-degree burns include hot wax, hot oil, and cigars or cigarettes. They should be treated with a topical analgesic such as Solarcaine.

Never use beeswax candles for hot-wax scenes. The cheaper paraffin type is safer because it has a lower melting point; it's still plenty hot enough to give a nice sting! Also, remember that melted wax spatters when it is dropped or poured from a height. When waxing someone's nipples, be careful that the hot liquid does not splash into his eyes or face. Any height above three inches from the body is completely safe; wax dripped from a lesser height can cause burns, and on hairy skin it may act as a depilatory, removing the hair permanently.

Short votive candles can be fun when set in place at various strategic points on the bottom's prone body. Slight movements will shake the candles, causing the pools of melted wax at the tops to spill over. (It will cool enough to be safe as it runs down the sides.) Be sure, however, to remove the metal foil on the bottom of such candles before use. Otherwise, as the candle burns down, the metal foil will get very hot and possibly cause a burn or even a scar. Also, be sure to anchor the candles firmly with melted wax applied first to the skin where you want to set them. A lighted candle that tips over onto the body can cause a serious burn with its flame. Some tops like to end this kind of scene by blowing out each candle, pulling it off the bottoms body, inverting it, and rubbing his skin with the softened and still-hot end. If you do this, wait a few seconds until the wick is no longer glowing or a burn will result.

You can avoid burns with cigars and cigarettes--unless a permanent mark is desi